Thank you to the friends and family who attended our class open afternoon, it was great to see students talking about their learning to their families.
How wonderful to have so many visitors looking at your amazing learning Room 10. I can see how much your whanau enjoyed sharing your learning with you all.
Tena Koutou, It has been a fantastic term! Room 10 students and teachers are now a whanau with lots of shared experiences and we are all experts in our class routines. We thought it would be great to share some ideas of how you can keep your child's learning continuing over the holidays. 1. Visit the Library - Let your child choose some books that they are interested in and choose a book that you can share as a family such as a Roald Dahl book. They should be reading at least 20 minutes a day. 2. Practice Basic Facts - Below are some web sites they might like to try: Practicing time tables or making 20 depending on your learning goals. 3. Make a Diary about their holiday experiences or a postcard with landmarks of the places they go to in the holidays. Write a review of a movie they go to. We have been ...
Hello everyone, On Tuesday we had a very successful H20 Extreme Pool and Maidstone Park trip. The students managed themselves well and they showed respectful and responsible behaviour. Today, we walked to Tawa Library and the lovely Librarian Shelly read three stories to us and then told us about the 'Summer Challenge' book review challenge for children aged 5 to 12 years old. Room 10 students were then able to enjoy reading books from the library. We encourage you to give your child opportunities to read over the long break. It is a special experience for families to spend time reading together and fostering a love of reading. Below is a timetable of up and coming events that Room 10 will be involved in and some photos from the trip on Tuesday and today. The weather has been fantastically warm so please send some shorts for your child to get changed into if they wear trousers to school. We have had some children struggling with the heat because they ...
Wednesday 3 May 2017 Tena Koutou, We have had a great few days back together. We hope you enjoyed reading your child's portfolio and we are looking forward to having all of them back to school by Friday please. There is an expectation that students will be reading at home, most days of the week for at least 15 minutes, practising their basic facts and practising their weekly spelling words. This term our important timetable items to note are: Monday Orange Spelling Booklets go home. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Library books due back. Spelling notebooks due back for testing and new words to be entered. Togs and towe l are required for swimming. Lessons at 9.30am. If your child cannot swim we require a note or email please. Friday Arts programme and Kapa Haka. Assembly on odd weeks at 2.20pm. In Investigations we have started learning to describe features of visual signs and symbols in our environment that we see in o...
How wonderful to have so many visitors looking at your amazing learning Room 10. I can see how much your whanau enjoyed sharing your learning with you all.
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