
Showing posts from May, 2017

Week 4 - Communication

Kia ora It was great to see so many Room 10 students at the disco last Friday. The 80's theme was popular especially with the teachers and parents. On Wednesday the students went to a show with two actors and the theme was "What's the big Idea?" On Thursdays we have continued our focus on communicating in different ways. We started two new Te Reo  modules. One group are learning the names of colours in Maori and the other how to ask how someone is in Maori and then reply. C heck out the information and give it a go with your tamariki (children) and there is also a NZ Sign language chart and a Te Reo colour chart. Finally, basic facts sheets were sent home on Monday. Please keep encouraging your child to practice their basic facts at home. Swimming and spelling testing tomorrow. Stay warm and dry. Sam and Julie

Cross Country

Tena koutou, We were lucky to have a sunny day on Monday for the Tawa School Cross Country.  Room 10 have been going for a run most days to become familiar with the course and improve fitness.  All students made an effort and we had Selena who placed first in the year 3 girls. As part of our communication focus for our Inquiry learning this week half the class have been investigating Morse Code and the other half Hieroglyphics.  The Key Competency focus for many of the students has been getting organized for their learning and working with focus.  The groups will swap over next week. In maths we continue to learn how to tell the time and focus on number strategies and knowledge.  Finally, in writing we have continued to use imperative verbs when writing instructions. Please continue to encourage your child to practice their basic facts, read at least 20 minutes a day and regularly practice their weekly spelling words.  A reminder there is no swimmin...