Welcome to Term 2.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Tena Koutou,

We have had a great few  days back together.  We hope you enjoyed reading your child's portfolio and we are looking forward to having all of them back to school by Friday please.
There is an expectation that students will be reading at home, most days of the week for at least 15 minutes, practising their basic facts and practising their weekly spelling words.

This term our important timetable items to note are:

Monday  Orange Spelling Booklets go home.
Thursday  Library books due back. Spelling notebooks due back for testing and new words to be entered.  Togs and towel are required for swimming. Lessons at 9.30am.  If your child cannot swim we require a note or email please.
Friday  Arts programme and Kapa Haka.  Assembly on odd weeks at 2.20pm.

In Investigations we have started learning to describe features of visual signs and symbols in our environment that we see in our everyday life.  They will be asked to discuss the features of the sign that make it effective and what message it has.  Using this knowledge they will then design and make their own sign and discuss their reasons for its design features.  Next week is National Sign Language week so we will also complete some learning around this.

For maths, we are continuing to focus on Basic Facts and applying maths strategies to problems.  We are also exploring time including names of the days of the week and months of the year.  We will also be learning to tell the time.  We ask you to discuss how to tell the time with your child and ask them about their learning.

In future weeks we will be carrying out science experiments and investigating Pasifica and Matariki.  We also have the Life Education van visiting this term and we will be acting out plays and making puppet shows.

Now the cold and wet weather has hit us we encourage you to send your child to school with a sweatshirt and a rain jacket.  Please regularly check the blog and Mrs Harrison's weekly texts to keep track of class happenings.

Yesterday, we walked around the neighborhood and explored symbols and signs.  It was great to see students becoming more aware of their everyday environment.  We also explored o'clock and half past the hour.  Check out the photos.

Sam and Julie

 Students engaged  investigating telling the time.
 Sorting and classifying o'clock and half past.

 Constructing and building that I was asked to include!


  1. WOW what a lot of interesting signs you spotted Room 10. It sounds like you have an exciting term full of wonderful learning planned.


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