Floor Hockey - Week 5
Tena Koutou, We are well underway with our Production preparations. Next week we will let you know what clothes and props will be needed for our costumes. This will give you a months notice of what is required. This term Room 10 have been taking part in Floorball hockey sessions. It is a fast growing type of hockey played indoors with "plastic" sticks and a light weight plastic ball with holes. The students have really enjoyed it and improved their skills. The goal of the game is to pass the floorball to your teammates or dribble the ball around the rink to get close enough to shoot a goal. The ball can rebound or be played off the rink’s sides. If the ball goes outside the rink it is a turn over to the opposite team. Floorball hockey sticks or the ball cannot go above players’ waists. Skills learnt: To strike, control, trap, pass and shoot a hockey ball. Check out the photos. Sam and Julie ...