Room 10 - Great start to the term

Welcome back to Term 3.

Thank you to all the parents who came to the interviews on Monday and Tuesday.

We have had a fairly settled couple of weeks and all the students have got back into their learning routines with enthusiasm. 

 We started last week asking the students to write about an event in their holidays in detail.  The students are learning about using different sentence starters, varying their sentence lengths and using a varied vocabulary.  They now have a writing folder that has writing resources in it to help them with these goals.  They published this writing and it is now up on the wall.  

This week we have continued our Inquiry into past Communication and students have worked in pairs to order and classify when different communication were invented.  Now they are going to research one particular technology from the past.
We start Indoor Floor Hockey Tomorrow.

Below is a summary of the learning for the term and then we have some photos of the class at Inquiry time, some photos of William K on his birthday and a shot of Joseph Campbell who proudly wore his Cub scarf to celebrate Scouts day.

This term our learning is based around:

Narratives - Focusing on including a detailed introduction, description of setting and character development then something 'big' to happen and then a conclusion.

Explore different genres of books and expand the book types we comics, Articles,etc
* Explore new authors to expand the author base of books that students are reading.
*  Complete an author review of the background of an author and the types of stories/books they write.
* Students will read a new book and share their ideas about the book content and their opinions about the text and if they enjoyed it.
* Students will present this information to their group.

*  At Daily 5 time students will be required to read a text for a sustained period of at least 15 minutes.

• Predict and communicate the results of translations, reflections, and rotations on plane shapes.
  • L2 WALT make shapes with tessellations
  • L2 WALT investigate shapes that tessellate
  • L2 WALT make geometric patterns by translating, reflecting and rotating
Position and Orientation
• Create and use simple maps to show position and direction.
• Describe different views and pathways from locations on a map
  • L2 WALT give and follow directions using, left , right, up, down, North, South, East and West
  • L2 WALT draw and follow a path on a grid to show a route followed
  • L2 WALT label and follow legends on a map
• Sort objects by their spatial features, with justification.
• Identify and describe the plane shapes found in objects.
  • L2 WALT explore and describe faces, edges, and corners of 2D and 3D objects
  • L2 WALT make, name and describe polygons and other plane shapes
  • L3 WALT construct models of polyhedra using everyday materials
  • L3 WALT use the terms faces, edges and vertices to describe models of polyhedra
Achievement Objectives: Numeracy
Number Strategies
  • L2 WALT Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions.
  • L3 WALT Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Number Knowledge
  • L2 WALT Know simple fractions in everyday use.
L3 WALT Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.
 Floorball (Indoor Hockey - Unihockey)


  1. WOW what busy learners you are Room 10. I love looking at your blog and seeing what you have all been learning about. Great work students and teachers.


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