First Week of Investigations
Tena Korua,
This week we completed our first two investigation sessions for the week. We have had a natural world theme with "provocations"such as a cooking station where students must plan and then cook, presenting the lifecycle of a butterfly in a diagram, construction etc, follow a set of instructions to make a paper flower, co-opoerative activities around the hungry caterpillar story with a co-operative focus, growing macro plants, using Ministry of Fisheries resources students learnt when do you throw a fish back? Measure fish and decide they should be thrown back into the water or kept for eating.
Create a poster with pictures and minimal words about one thing you learnt from the Fishing show and make it into a poster for others to see and learn from, Create a piece of writing giving information to Jan about two things you learnt from the Iwi Kiwi Show - www.hiwithe, finally growing micro greens and a game about recycling.
So as you can see there were lots of options for students to follow what they are interested in.
Create a poster with pictures and minimal words about one thing you learnt from the Fishing show and make it into a poster for others to see and learn from, Create a piece of writing giving information to Jan about two things you learnt from the Iwi Kiwi Show - www.hiwithe, finally growing micro greens and a game about recycling.
Check out some photos and we will have some displays of what students have produced around the classroom.
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