First Week of Investigations

Tena Korua,

This week we completed our first two investigation sessions for the week.  We have had a natural world theme with "provocations"such as a cooking station where students must plan and then cook, presenting the lifecycle of a butterfly in a diagram, construction etc, follow a set of instructions to make a paper flower, co-opoerative activities around the hungry caterpillar story with a co-operative focus, growing macro plants, using Ministry of Fisheries resources students learnt when do you throw a fish back?  Measure fish and decide they should be thrown back into the water or kept for eating.

Create a poster with pictures and minimal words about one thing you learnt from the Fishing show and make it into a poster for others to see and learn from,  Create a piece of writing giving information to Jan about two things you learnt from the Iwi Kiwi Show - www.hiwithe, finally growing micro greens and a game about recycling.

So as you can see there were lots of options for students to follow what they are interested in.

Check out some photos and we will have some displays of what students have produced around the classroom.

Here is a link to a good site for your child to practice basic facts.


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