Writing in Room 10

Tena Koutou,

This week Room 10 have been very busy completing maths goals, reading, writing  and carrying out investigations including making Stop Motion movies.

  Today students have brought home an invitation inviting parents and caregivers to our class
next Tuesday.  We would like to invite parents, caregivers, siblings and grandparents of Room 10 students anytime from 2pm till 4pm.  From 2pm to 2.45pm we will be busy investigating our 'Passion Projects' and from 3pm to 4pm the class will be open for you and your Room 10 child to move around the classroom and discuss the displays on show.

We have WOW words up on the wall to help students add interesting vocabulary to their writing.  Here are some of the samples of the writing happening in Room 10.

We hope to see you next Tuesday.

Sam and Julie

Dancing for the Nixie Kids                         
At the Stadium there was a soccer game and at half time the Nixie Kids danced.  We danced to two songs and they were ‘JuJu on That Beat’ and ‘Two You Make It.’ We were awesome and there was a lot of people there.  We were on TV and it was amazing.  It was my first time dancing at the Stadium.  It felt good when I was performing and the crowd were really nice to us.  Michael our teacher was also fun and hiliarious, I didn’t feel scared.  I had fun!
By Savannah

On Sunday we went to the Westpac Stadium and the people were wild.  I was so excited that my head could pop off!  We were part of the Nixie Kids who dance at half time for the Phoenix Soccer team. I was also really nervous, people were cheering so hard my ears could pop off.  The wind was whistling in my ear and it was spectacular. 

The Nixie Kids are cool and we were dancing like the Trolls.  Our teachers name is Michael and he’s funny.  We got given a Phoenix scarf and it was black and yellow like fluffy popcorn.
By Selena

Walking to School    by Nahil
I walk to school.  
I walk to school with my dad when my mum goes to work. 
Sometimes I run like a flash of lightning.  After school I go to after school care with Pahul and we play on
the trampoline.  I feel like I am flying in space.

I walk to school.  By William
Some days my dad goes to work and my big sister walks me to school.  When my dad has finished work he picks me up and we drive to the cafe.  My favorite afternoon tea is fish and chips.  I always look after my baby Justin and he cries and he watches baby movies.

My Friends
At my friends house we play in the dark.  We threw the glowing basketball.  Then we went outside, then we played tag.
By Nahil

Long, long ago in ancient history there were two Taniwhas named.  Ngake and Whataitai they lived in Wellington Harbour.  Ngake wanted to leave, Whataitai wanted to stay.  Ngake rushed around the
Harbor.  Ngake smashed free Ngake flicked his tale, he said Whataitai, help me.
By Kristian.

At Investigation time I made a Taniwha out of plasticine.  It has a long tongue.
By Lushion

 Lushion's Taniwha

Well done to Ruben, Savannah and Selena who danced in the Nixie Kids at the stadium on Sunday night as the before game and half time entertainment. 


  1. WOW what amazing writers, mathematicians, dancers and friends you all are in Room 10. I love seeing all the fun learning you have been doing. Keep up all the wonderful work teachers and students!


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