Week 2 - Busy Week


It has been a busy week with lots of assessment and testing.  Sam and I are really pleased with the progress all the students have made.  The class are back into routines and have been really excited and interested in our Inquiry lessons this week.  We started on Tuesday with writing up our Floating and Sinking experiment.  Students had to find objects that they thought would sink or float and predict what would happen and reasons for it.  They also had to observe what happened and describe it.

The second group of photos are students learning about millimeters, centimeters and meters.  They had to estimate the length of classroom items and then measure them.

We have swimming on Monday at 11.45am and on Thursday we start our cricket skill sessions at 9am.  Please ensure your child brings a wide brimmed hat to school. Due to the warm weather that  we have been enjoying lately they should have a t-shirt underneath a long sleeve top so they can take a layer off when the weather warms up.  A pair of shorts in their bag to change into if it gets warm is also a good idea.

The class are doing really well and we are happy with how focused and cohesive they are.  (Well most of the time!)  What a great bunch of kids!

Check out the photos.

Have a great weekend.

Sam and Julie


  1. What a busy bunch of motivated learners you are Room 10. I love popping in and see you all so engaged with your learning. Keep it up!


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