Welcome back! Week 1 Term 4

Tena Koutou,

Welcome back to Term 4.  We have already had a great start to the term and most students are showing respectful and responsible behavior.  They have got settled back into their class routines and learning.

Some points for you to note.

Monday        - Swimming in middle session

                     - Orange spelling booklets go home.

Wednesday   - Skill cricket

                      - Wheels Wednesday
Thursday       - Spelling testing
                      - Library visit    
Friday            - Arts Rotation and Kapa Haka      
                      - Assembly (odd weeks)

     This term our learning is focusing on:

  • identifying and summarising main ideas (using their knowledge of text structure)
  • making and justifying inferences (using information that is close by in the text)
  • making connections between the text and their prior knowledge to interpret figurative language.
  • Locate information and ideas.
  • Evaluate  information and be able to make and form our own conclusions and ideas.
  • Focus on thinking critcally and then summarising ideas.
  • Learning to gain meaning from information that is suggested but not overtly stated. (Inferencing)

Explanation and Instruction writing. (Recipes,instructions,Explanations)
  • I can write a series of steps or actions to describe a process.
  • I can write a set of instructions to show how to make something.
  • I can write reasons for how something works.
  • Ideas – expanding the facts with increasing detail.
  • Sentences – increasing the range of sentence structures and lengths.
  • Vocabulary – encouraging extended use of precise topic-related vocabulary.
  • Spelling – exploring spelling patterns.

Persuasive Writing

  • Has a clear introduction - what is your opinion.
  • Has ideas to support your opinion.
  • Has a conclusion that repeats your opinion.
  • Written in present tense.
  • Uses emotive, strong language
  • Uses connectives such as therefore, so etc
  • Try and use some facts as well as opinions.


  • Number Knowledge
  • Create and use appropriate units and devices to measure length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), turn (angle), temperature, and time.
  • Partition and/or combine like measures and communicate them, using numbers and units.


     Physical world
     Students will:
     Explore everyday examples of physical phenomena, such as movement, forces, electricity and    
      magnetism, light, sound, waves, and heat.                  
     Seek and describe simple patterns in physical phenomena.

     Material world

     Students will:

     Properties and changes of matter

     Observe, describe, and compare physical and chemical properties of common materials and changes     
     that occur when materials are mixed, heated, or cooled.

 Small ball skills and cricket
To throw, catch and field a small ball and to strike a small ball with a bat   

Check out the photos from our Wednesday Inquiry lesson. Students are learning about
      what scientists do and what is required when carrying out and writing up an       experiment. In pairs they took part in activities that require them to discuss and note down
what they notice and then take a picture of something and draw on all their senses to
describe what they see, feel, hear and smell. (We didn't get them to taste anything!)
Check out the photos.
Have a great long weekend.
Sam and Julie


  1. Oh I am looking forward to hearing all about your science investigations Room 10. I know you will all be full of questions and wonderings.


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