Week 6 - Life Education - Cyber Safety

Room 10 were lucky enough to visit the Life Education Van today.  They visited in two groups.

The main points from todays lesson were:

Safety rules for using electronic devices.  Think before you click!

Let your parents know before you reply to strangers that message you online or on your phone.

Ask your parents before you give out personal information such as your name, address or passwords online to anyone.

To tell your teachers or parents if there is anything online that you have received that you are worried about or unsure about.

Ask an adult before you download games.  They may cost money.  Not to go on inappropriate games always ask an adult if you are unsure.

Use an app like Kiddle as your search engine.

The students always enjoy visiting the van and the highlight is always the visit from Harold.  We will visit again next Wednesday morning after Morning Tea.

Students have been working hard using the magnetic letters to make their spelling words and then write them with on the white board.  Great practice to help their brain remember correct spelling.  Thank you to all the people who have raised money for the BasicFactathon. Swimming tomorrow and Arts Rotation on Friday.

Stay warm.

Kind Regards
Sam and Julie


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